Username considerations

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Survey on different systems

URL encoding

Since usernames are submitted as URL paramaters, they must be URL-encodable.

HTTP Basic authentication

Usernames must not contain a single colon (":") or ASCII control characters (0-31, 127). Additionally, the sequence "CR LF" followed by either a Space or a Horizontal Space is also a valid sequence.

For more information, please refer to Section 2, Basic Authentication Scheme of RFC2617[1] for detailed information.


In order for a username to be legal, the username must be a valid page title (For the user page). Illegal characters for page titles are[2]


Certain character sequences ("/..", etc.) are also illegal[3] but are already filtered by the general check.

Certain special usernames are also filtered: Characters that look like IPv6 or IPv6 characters and interesting Unicode characters, see User::isValidUserName() in includes/User.php:

$unicodeBlacklist = '/[' .
    '\x{0080}-\x{009f}' . # iso-8859-1 control chars
    '\x{00a0}' .          # non-breaking space
    '\x{2000}-\x{200f}' . # various whitespace
    '\x{2028}-\x{202f}' . # breaks and control chars
    '\x{3000}' .          # ideographic space
    '\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}' . # private use

Additionally, MediaWiki filters new usernames that contain an "@" sign[4].

The maximum username length is 255 bytes (which is less then 255 characters, if you use multibyte characters). This is checked both by $wgMaxNameChars and by page name restrictions.






&quot; and " are always invalid.

By default, usernames are restricted to 'USERNAME_CHARS_ANY', which expands to the regex "^.+$"



XMPP allows usernames in unicode, but some characters are forbidden:


... as well as:

  • ASCII Space characters
  • Non-ASCII Space characters
  • ASCII Control characters
  • Non-ASCII Control characters

Linux system accounts

On Debian, usernames must neither start with a dash ("-") nor contain a colon (":") or any type of whitespace (" ", newline, etc.) and usernames may be up to 32 characters long[5]. Apparently, a slash ("/") is even a valid username, but you don't want this.

Windows system accounts

Windows has several reserved names that cannot be a valid username[6]. Additionally, some characters are invalid:


Otherwise, usernames can contain all other special characters, including spaces, periods, dashes, and underscores[7].


Wikipedia provides good reference[8]:

The local-part of the e-mail address may use any of these ASCII characters:

  • Uppercase and lowercase English letters (a–z, A–Z)
  • Digits 0 to 9
  • Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~
  • Character . (dot, period, full stop) provided that it is not the first or last character, and provided also that it does not appear two or more times consecutively (e.g.


ASCII table

char URLs HTTP basic auth MediaWiki Drupal vBulletin phpBB WordPress XMPP Linux Windows Email RestAuth
  Y Y Y N N N
! Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
" Y Y N N Y[n 1] N
# Y Y N Y Y[n 1] Y
$ Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
% Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
& Y Y N Y[n 1] Y
' Y Y N Y[n 1] Y
( Y Y Y Y[n 1] N
) Y Y Y Y[n 1] N
* Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
+ Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y[n 2]
, Y Y Y Y[n 1] N
- Y Y Y Y[n 3] Y
. Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y[n 4]
/ Y[n 5] Y N N Y N
[0-9] Y Y Y Y[n 6] Y
: Y N Y[n 3][n 7] N N N
; Y Y Y Y[n 1] N
< Y Y N N Y[n 1] N
= Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
> Y Y N N Y[n 1] N
? Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
@ Y Y Y[n 8] N Y[n 1] N
[A-Z] Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y[n 9]
[ Y Y N Y Y[n 1] N
\ Y Y Y Y[n 1] N
] Y Y N Y Y[n 1] N
^ Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
_ Y Y Y Y Y
` Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
[a-z] Y Y Y Y Y
{ Y Y N Y Y[n 1] Y
| Y Y N Y Y[n 1] Y
} Y Y N Y Y[n 1] Y
~ Y Y Y Y[n 1] Y
  1. often used as tag delimiter
  2. 3.0 3.1 must not start with this character
  3. not the first or last character, must not appear twice in a row
  4. Only theoretically supported, using it works very different depending on Django setup.
  5. Not recommended at start of username
  6. If the part before the ':' collides with a namespace or interwiki prefix, it is illegal to
  7. Blocked during account creation, see #MediaWiki.
  8. In practice, many systems are case insensitive

Minimum/Maximum username length

URLs HTTP basic auth MediaWiki Drupal vBulletin phpBB WordPress XMPP Linux Windows Email RestAuth
min 1 1 1
max -[m 1] - 255 bytes[m 2] 32


  • Names containing slashes ('/'), colons (':') and backslashes ("\") are illegal, no matter what. This makes our whole life easier.
  • Names containing ASCII control characters (<= 31, NOT space!) and DEL (#127) are also illegal. Note that this actually makes some usernames that could be used in an URL illegal: URLs can contain CRLF SP|HP according to the RFC!

Further reading
